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Location Montana 
Bill MT - Missoula 2015 
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Detail Missoula May Ban Circus Animals 
Date 7/23/2015 

Missoula May Ban Circus Animals

THURSDAY, JULY 23, 2015, 4:02 P.M.

Missoula council members will vote in August on a measure banning wild and exotic animals from circus acts. University of Montana law library director and animal law expert Stacey Gordon helped draft the measure based on laws already in place elsewhere. If passed, Gordon says the law would not touch the rodeo, and only covers shows like circus elephant acts. The measure doesn't impact livestock or educational displays either. Missoula's public safety and health committee on Wednesday referred the proposed ban to the city council for a public hearing and vote. The 65-year-old Western Montana Shrine Circus would lose its elephant acts under the measure. Representatives told the committee circus animals are well-cared for and that law would effectively shut down the circus/Associate Press.


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