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Bill Summary
Location Bill  Title  Date  Category
Louisiana  LA HCR 6  Possession of exotic cats (accreditation requirements)  3/2/2012  Passed
Bill Text

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CODING: Words in struck through type are deletions from existing law; words underscored
are additions.

Regular Session, 2012
WILDLIFE & FISHERIES: Specifies accreditation requirements for exemption from
Wildlife and Fisheries Commission rules governing possession of exotic cats
2 To amend the Department ofWildlife and Fisheries rule (LAC 76:V.115(E)(1) and (F)(2)),
3 which provides exemptions fromthe department's rules governing private possession
4 of potentially dangerous quadrupeds, exotic cats and nonhuman primates, to include
5 in those exemptions facilities certified by the ZoologicalAssociation ofAmerica and
6 to direct the office of the state register to print the amendments in the Louisiana
7 Administrative Code.
8 WHEREAS, Act Number 715 of the 2006 Regular Session of the Legislature
9 enacted R.S. 56:6(31) which requires the Wildlife and Fisheries Commission to ". . .
10 promulgate rules and regulations to control the importation and private possession of big
11 exotic cats . . ."; and
12 WHEREAS,R.S. 56:6(31) also provides for " . . . exceptions for big cats traditionally
13 kept by colleges and universities as school mascots, animal sanctuaries, zoos, wildlife
14 research centers, and scientific organizations." ; and
15 WHEREAS, the rules adopted by the Wildlife and Fisheries Commission provide
16 exemptions for those " . . . zoos accredited or certified by the American Zoo and Aquarium
17 Association."; and
18 WHEREAS, theAmericanZoo andAquariumAssociation is not the onlyrecognized
19 association that inspects, certifies, and accredits zoos and animal parks and animal
20 sanctuaries; and

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1 WHEREAS, the Zoological Association of America is an additional association
2 recognized by zoos and animal parks and whose accreditation is recognized throughout the
3 world of zoos and animal parks and by whose accreditation, assurances can be had that
4 animals are handled and treated appropriately and in a manner so as to ensure the safety of
5 the public.
6 THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Legislature of Louisiana that LAC
7 76:V.115(E)(1) and (F)(2) are hereby amended to read as follows:
8 §115. Possession of Potentially Dangerous Wild Quadrupeds, Big Exotic Cats, and
9 Non-Human Primates
10 * * *
11 E. Exempted Entities. The following organizations and entities shall be
12 exempt from this regulation, including permitting:
13 1. zoos accredited or certified by either the American Zoo and Aquarium
14 Association (AZA) or the Zoological Association of America (ZAA);
15 * * *
16 F. Permitted Entities. The following organizations and entities may be
17 exempted from this regulation after applying for and receiving a permit from the
18 department to possess any listed animal under the following conditions:
19 * * *
20 2. animal sanctuaries accredited or certified by either the American Zoo and
21 Aquarium Association (AZA) or the Zoological Association of America (ZAA).
22 Permitted sanctuaries are prohibited from exhibiting, breeding, or selling any listed
23 animal. Listed animals must be surgically sterilized or separately housed to prevent
24 breeding. Listed animals must be housed in such a manner as to prevent public
25 contact and in compliance with the enclosure rules provided herein in Subsection I.
26 Permitted animal sanctuaries are prohibited from transporting these animals to any
27 public building or place where theymay come into contact with the public including
28 but not limited to schools, hospitals, malls, private residences, or other commercial
29 or retail establishments.


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1 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this Resolution be transmitted to the
2 office of the state register and the secretary of the Department of Wildlife and Fisheries.
3 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the office of the state register is hereby directed
4 to have the amendments to LAC 76:V.115(E)(1) and (F)(2) printed and incorporated into the
5 Louisiana Administrative Code.
The digest printed below was prepared by House Legislative Services. It constitutes no part
of the legislative instrument. The keyword, one-liner, abstract, and digest do not constitute
part of the law or proof or indicia of legislative intent. [R.S. 1:13(B) and 24:177(E)]
Stuart Bishop HCR No. 6
Current regulation requires the Wildlife and Fisheries Commission to regulate the
possession of big exotic cats. Current regulations exempt from the regulations zoos
accredited by the American Zoo and Aquarium Association.
Proposed regulation also exempts those zoos accredited by the Zoological Association of
(Amends LAC 76:V.115(E)(1) and (F)(2))


Category   Date Descending  Detail  
  Status 6/4/2012  Legislature adjourned for year. 
  Status 5/3/2012  Passed Senate; enrolled. 
  Status 5/2/2012  Passed House and sent to Senate for approval. 
  Status 3/13/2012  Bill referred to House Committee on Natural Resources and Environment. 
  Information 3/2/2012  Bill prefiled in House. 

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