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9 Total Bills

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Location Bill   Category   Title Ascending Date
Rhode Island  RI HB 7192   Defeated  Humane Treatment of Elephants  2/25/2014 
Rhode Island  RI SB 2189   Defeated  Humane Treatment of Elephants  2/25/2014 
Rhode Island  RI SB 167   Dead  Prohibition of Wild or Exotic Animals in Traveling Animal Acts  4/18/2019 
Rhode Island  RI HB 5853   Dead  Prohibits cruel treatment of elephants (bullhook ban)  3/14/2013 
Rhode Island  RI SB 2033   Dead  Prohibits ownership of alligators, crocodiles, pythons, and boas  1/11/2012 
Rhode Island  RI HB 7604   Dead  Prohibits the use of bull hooks or similar devices on elephants  2/12/2016 
Rhode Island  RI SB 2868   Dead  Prohibits the use of bull hooks or similar devices on elephants  4/5/2016 
Rhode Island  RI HB 8197   Passed  Prohibits the use of bull hooks or similar devices on elephants  5/12/2016 
Rhode Island  Providence, RI 2015   Dead  Proposed ban on bullhooks introduced in Providence City Council  3/18/2015 

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