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221 Total Bills

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Location Bill   Category   Title Ascending Date
Florida  SB 1048   Dead  Courtroom Animal Advocates  11/25/2019 
Illinois  HB 3889   Dead  CRIM CD-TRAVELING ANIMAL ACT  2/19/2021 
Illinois  SB2546   Dead  CRIM CD-TRAVELING ANIMALS  1/29/2020 
Indiana  IN SB 477   Dead  Dangerous animals; wild animal permits  1/15/2013 
Virginia  SB 1030   Dead  Dangerous captive animal exhibits; penalty.  1/17/2020 
Ohio  OH HB 352   Dead  Dangerous exotic animals  10/21/2011 
Indiana  IN HB 1332   Dead  Dangerous wild animals  2/17/2017 
New York  NY SB 7805   Dead  Elephant Protection Act  5/18/2016 
Canada  Ontario Bill 69   Dead  Elephant Protection Act of 2012  5/5/2012 
Virginia  VA HB 302   Dead  Elephants; prohibits use of devices for training, etc., that inflict pain or cause physical injury.  1/8/2016 
South Carolina  SC SB 1204   Dead  Enacts the Exotic Animal and Reptile Control and Regulation Act  2/9/2012 
Michigan  MI HB 5604   Dead  Entertainment tax (provides an excise tax on entertainment)  11/18/2009 
New Jersey  New Jersey ACR 163   Dead  Establishes Task Force on Illegal Trade and Inhumane Treatment of Endangered and Exotic Animals  1/8/2013 
New Jersey  New Jersey SCR 127   Dead  Establishes Task Force on the Illegal Trade and Inhumane Treatment of Endangered and Exotic Animals  1/8/2013 
New York  NY SB 1071   Dead  Excludes certain seasonal fair workers from the definition of employee for purposes of minimum wage  5/30/2013 
New Jersey  NJ AB 4088   Dead  Exhibition or use in performance of a living bear, elephant, lion or tiger  5/6/2013 
New York  NY SB 7078   Dead  Exotic animals  5/3/2012 
Indiana  HB 1200   Dead  Exotic or dangerous wild animals.  1/13/2020 
Pennsylvania  PA HB 1051   Dead  Exotic wildlife dealer permits  3/14/2011 
Pennsylvania  PA HB 1398   Dead  Exotic wildlife possession permits  4/27/2011 
Pennsylvania  PA HB 349   Dead  Exotic wildlife possession permits  2/9/2015 
Pennsylvania  PA SB 521   Dead  Exotic wildlife possession permits and for menagerie permits  3/12/2013 
New York  New York SB 509   Dead  Haley's Act - prohibits direct contact between a big cat and a member of the public  1/8/2013 
New York  NY SB 1307   Dead  Haley's Act - prohibits direct contact between a big cat and the public  1/6/2011 
New Jersey  NJ AB 2591   Dead  Imposes a penalty for the display/exhibition/performance using bears, elephants, lions or tigers.   2/16/2016 

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