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12 Total Bills

?CFA_District=4&Location=West+Virginia&s_loc_id=39 Won   ?CFA_District=4&Location=West+Virginia&s_loc_id=39 Lost   ?CFA_District=4&Location=West+Virginia&s_loc_id=39 Pending

Location Bill   Category   Title Date
Pennsylvania  HB 201   Pending  prohibit the issuance of licenses for the possession of exotic wildlife by the general public  1/21/2021 
Pennsylvania  HB 1812   Dead  providing for the offense of transporting animals in a cruel manner  8/31/2021 
Pennsylvania  PA HB 996   Dead  Ban traveling animal acts in Pennsylvania  4/18/2019 
Pennsylvania  PA SB 248   Dead  Providing for the offense of using live animals in traveling exhibitions  2/17/2017 
Pennsylvania  Pittsburgh, PA 2016   Passed  City Council ordinance to ban exotic and performing animals  5/4/2016 
Pennsylvania  PA SB 698   Dead  Use of live animals in traveling exhibitions  4/23/2015 
Pennsylvania  PA HB 349   Dead  Exotic wildlife possession permits  2/9/2015 
Pennsylvania  PA SB 521   Dead  Exotic wildlife possession permits and for menagerie permits  3/12/2013 
Pennsylvania  PA HB 1398   Dead  Exotic wildlife possession permits  4/27/2011 
Pennsylvania  PA HB 1051   Dead  Exotic wildlife dealer permits  3/14/2011 
Pennsylvania  PA SB 230   Dead  Companion bill to PA HB 1398; exempts USDA Class C exhibitors from permits  1/24/2011 
Pennsylvania  PA 4580 2009   Passed  Importation and possession of certain wildlife  4/20/2010 

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